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AA Grapevine

AA Grapevine logo

AA Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. The AA Grapevine store resides on a separate website from the main AA Grapevine site. Prior to 2018 the store lived on a subdomain of the AA Grapevine domain. When the store was rebuilt in 2018, it was moved to an unrelated domain. The move caused a dramatic loss of traffic and sales  — dropping almost 80%. Contributing to this dismal state of affairs was the lack of attention to SEO in the rebuild. Stikky Media was hired in 2019 to migrate the store back to the subdomain and perform on-page and off-page SEO.

To migrate the store back to the original domain, Stikky Media modified the htaccess to essentially replace the domain name as a 301 redirect, with the benefit of a transfer of any ranking as well. That done, we updated all the meta data, optimized with keywords and completed a review of the backlinks, disavowing toxic ones and addressing broken links either by removing them or by reaching out to their owners.

As you can see, our efforts were successful. Three months into our work on the store, users were up 20%, and pageviews were up 133%. Goal completions were up 24%.





Revenue year-over-year


Goal completions

"Over the past 2 years, Stikky Media has consistently delivered outstanding results for AA Grapevine. In addition to improving visibility for our products on Google, they have helped our store grow revenue 30% year over year with a conversion rate that's currently 6x the industry average. Additionally, they guided a smooth migration of our store to its current subdomain. If you need digital marketing expertise to further your mission, Jesse and the Stikky Media team know how to get it done."

Publisher, AAGrapevine, Inc.

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