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Echelon Foods

Echelon Foods logo

In August 2019, Echelon Foods asked if Stikky Media could take over the management of their Amazon account and ramp up their sales for the Canadian and American Thanksgivings. Echelon Foods is most known for their Turducken, which is a de-boned whole turkey wrapped around duck and chicken breasts, and stuffed with chicken apple or Italian sausage stuffing. Holidays are important for sales.

Given that the pre-holiday time frame was short, the Canadian Thanksgiving was to serve as a proof of concept, to see if it was worth it to invest more funds in  the American holiday campaigns. Information gathered from the Canadian campaign could be put to good use in planning the next campaigns also.

Thanksgiving Google and Amazon PPC Results

To complement the Amazon ads we amped up remarketing, and geo-targeted, interest-targeted search ads.

The search ad campaigns saw a healthy click through rate and a low cost per click but Amazon had even stronger results. Amazon ROAS was 230% for US Thanksgiving.

To continuously improve, we determined that some work needed to be done on the check-out process to increase sales ahead of the US Thanksgiving.

Reducing Abandonment & Increasing Success

Sometimes our conversion optimization work involves improving the user experience and making it easier to buy. For Echelon Foods, we reviewed the sales funnel and identified places where customers were abandoning the process. By improving those it improved the overall conversion rate and product revenue from the US website. As a result, we helped facilitate a successful Thanksgiving season for Echelon Foods.



Revenue Year-Over-Year


Avg Order Value Year-Over-Year


Transactions Year-Over-Year

"Stikky Media have been a pleasure to work with - very responsive. They have proven the ability to drive results both on Amazon and our own website."

Mike Moser, Echelon Foods