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Quality Glass Block & Window

Quality Glass Block logo

Quality Glass Block & Window is one of the top glass block distributors in the United States, selling a wide variety of custom loose glass blocks for consumers.

When they approached Stikky Media they needed to reverse the downward trend of visitor traffic and improve their paid search campaign outcomes.

By eliminating the ads that were not working, improved ads with low quality scores and optimizing the spend on the ads that were more successful, we helped them achieve an Account level Return On Ad Spend is up 263.52% 

This trend has continued into the spring with revenue vs previous year up 118% along with a positive improvement in both transactions and average order size. While it’s great to see year-over-year growth, when compared to Q1 2020, this is even more pronounced. April and May revenue is up nearly 70% vs February and March with May being the strongest month in several years. Full e-commerce improvements we’ve earned for Quality Glass Block is shown below.

QGB aprmay20 - Stikky Media



Revenue vs Previous Year


E-commerce Conversion Rate


Return on Ad Spend

Services Used