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Top Twitter Tools

New to Twitter?

There are a number great third party application that can be used to make your Twitter experience better. We have listed the best ones below.

Organization Apps

  • TweetDeck – A simple and fast way to experience Twitter.

Multiple Account Apps

  • Splitweet – Multi-account Twitter reputation management for corporate users with more than one Twitter account?
  • HootSuite – Manage multiple Twitter profiles, pre-schedule tweets, and measure your success.
  • CoTweet – How Business Does Twitter.

Mass Follow/Unfollow Tools

  • TwitterSnooze – Hit the snooze button on your “verbose” Twitter friends.

CMS Plugins

Mobile Apps

  • Tweetie – For iPhone – multiple accounts, favorites, deleting, following, trends, location, re-tweets, photos and more.
  • TwitterBerry – A mobile client for posting updates to Twitter on BlackBerry devices.

Sharing via Twitter

  • TwitPic – If you have a Twitter account then you already have a Twitpic account, just login to Twitpic with your Twitter username and password and you are all set to upload and share photos.


  • TweetStats – In ur Tweets, Graphin’ Your Stats!
  • TwitGraph – Visualize Twitter search results.